Lose Weight With Lovemaking

Are you exhausted of trying various types of diet plans and any hard workout? Want to lose your weight in a single and easy plan? Do this pleasant way to lose weight – Be Sexually active daily. Sex not only gives you better feeling but also be to live a healthy life. If you want to lose weight you need to burn out more calories. weight loss

1. Sex blasts calories:
The total amount of calories you will burn throughout 30 minutes of sexual activity or foreplay is equal to taking a brisk walk, running or lifting weights. A half-hour intimacy session will helps you to burn about 150 to 250 calories easily.

2. Sex control carbohydrate and fat cravings:
Regular sex can help to  keep levels of cortisol in control. Because lot amount of cortisol rejuvenates  your appetite for high-fat, high-carb things & allows your body to store up the additional calories around your midsection.

3. Sex helps to improve the level of fitness:
With helps of the sex position we are following will helps to improve your fitness. With the help of sex you will improve your cardiovascular fitness.

So if you want to lose weight easily, then try this option.