Category Archives: Sexual Health

5 Fantastic Healthy Benefits of Sex

Of course it’s healthy to having sex; however does one recognize that a good quality sex life can offers you many health benefits?  Having sex daily can do extra than make you feel closer to your lover — it will really cause you to physically healthier. Check out a few of the surprising perks you can reap from great benefits of sex

  1. Helps to reduce stress: The immense benefit of sex is that it reduces the stress level. It is proved that people who have sex at least once every two weeks had better reply to tension. Study explained that through intercourse hormones like endorphins and oxytocin also called as fee-god hormones are released and these hormones trigger the pleasure centers in the brain that generate feelings of intimacy and relaxation, which help avoid anxiety & depression.
  2. Sound sleep: After sex, the hormone prolactin and oxytocin are released this is responsible for the feelings of relaxation and sleepiness. If you are suffering from sleep disorder caused due to anxiety or stress then sex is the best solution over this trouble.
  3. Youthful Glow: Get busy in sex to get gorgeous skin. Every time you reach orgasm it release hormone called DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) which boost your immune system and gives you healthier skin. People who were enjoying sex will look 7-12years younger than their actual age.
  4. Weight loss: Sex considers as workout, it is equivalent to a diffident workout on a treadmill. Sexual activity burns about 75-150 calories per 30minutes which will help you to lose weight by making fun instead of any hard workout.
  5. Sex boosts immunity: Good sex helps to improve your immune system. Individual who have sex one time or two times a week may lift up the level of antibody known as immunoglobulin which helps to boost immune system.